
My talk at RubyKaigi 2014 - Diversity and Rails Girls

I gave a talk at RubyKaigi 2014: "Rails Girls: Not Only for Girls".

Female engineers account around 20% at tech companies in the US, but tech companies in Japan have only 10% from my past experiences.

As in my slides, this situation ties tightly to our culture and society, and cannot be changed in a day. We need to work both in short-term and long-term ways, like equality in hiring and bringing more teenagers to tech fields.

There are a lot of activities in various ways, and Rails Girls is one of them.

There are links to such activities at the Women Techmakers website by Google. Academic societies also working in this area, like ACM-W and IEEE Women in Engineering. I encourage you to take a look at these.

RubyKaigi 2014 was a great success, without any gender issues unlike last year. Kudos to all volunteers, speakers and attendees!